Thursday, 15 December 2022

The most used vegetable in salad is considered the most useless


The glory of salads and the most used vegetable has been declared by experts as the least nutritious vegetable, but do you know which vegetable it is?

According to which cucumber, the most used vegetable in salads, has been declared the most useless vegetable.
A study was conducted by the University of   Louisiana School  of  Public Health,
 Salads are consumed on a daily basis, but it is also important to choose vegetables that are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the researchers said.
The researchers further informed that cucumber is naturally rich in water but it contains nutrients in very low quantity which does not have any significant benefit to human health.
What are the best vegetables for salads?
The researchers told salad eaters that the best salad greens are spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, chicory, carrots and capsicum, which are rich in nutrients.

Research has shown that cucumber contains only
0.1 grams of fat, 0.3 grams of fiber, 0.3 grams of protein, 8.5 micrograms of
vitamins, 1.5 milligrams of vitamin C and 76.4 milligrams of potassium, which
are extremely low in nutrients.