Friday, 16 December 2022

What is Pakistan's number among the highest inflation states?


Pakistan ranks 19th among states with the highest inflation rate; 161 countries have outperformed Pakistan in controlling inflation.


Inflation in Pakistan increased from 23.2 percent in September to 26.6 percent in October 2022, mainly due to the rampant increase in food and energy prices and rising prices of goods and services worldwide. Together with Ukraine, it ranks 19th out of 184 countries where inflation levels are measured by institutions that specialize in collecting and tabulating economic data.


Data available from various global sources, such as the IMF, the World Bank, and Bloomberg and Visual Capitalist, shows that out of a range of 184 countries, India, Bangladesh, poor Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan have experienced relatively comfortable levels of inflation. Good when it comes to plans to control inflation.


With an inflation rate of just 6.8%, India ranks 129th along with the UAE out of 184 countries surveyed.


Afghanistan ranks 50th (only 13.6 percent inflation) and Bangladesh ranks 93rd with only 8.9 percent inflation. Nepal ranks 97th on the list with an inflation rate of just 8.6%.


Poor and small Bhutan has shown admirable courage in controlling consumer price inflation to just 6.1 percent and ranks 140th. This means that only 44 countries have outperformed this country in this respect.


War-torn Iraq ranks 149th with an inflation rate of 5.3 percent. Resource-poor Palestine ranks 159th with an inflation rate of 4.4 percent. The data shows that 161 countries have outperformed Pakistan by taking advantage of price increases.


5 countries will experience triple-digit inflation by 2022. These countries include Zimbabwe (269 percent), Lebanon (162 percent), Venezuela (156 percent), Syria (139 percent), and Sudan (103 percent).


Countries with the best inflation rates are South Sudan (minus 2.5 percent), Macau (1.1 percent), Panama (1.9 percent) and China (2.1 percent). Here is the list of countries with a higher inflation rate than Pakistan.


Argentina (88 percent), Turkey (85.5 percent), Sri Lanka (66.2 percent), Iran (52 percent), Suriname (41.4 percent), Ghana (40.4 percent), Cuba (37.2 percent) percent), Laos (36.8 percent), Moldova (34.6 percent), Ethiopia (31.6 percent), Rwanda (32 percent), Haiti (30 percent), and Sierra Leone (29.2 percent).


Together with Nigeria, Hungary has the 27th highest inflation rate (21.1 percent), Poland 32nd (17.9 percent), Egypt 39th (16.2 percent), the Netherlands 48th (14.3 percent), the Russian inflation. The exchange rate is the 57th highest (12.6 percent). ).


Belgium is No. 59 (12.3 percent), Italy No. 67 (11.8 percent), Great Britain No. 70 (11.1 percent), Austria No. 71 (11 percent), Sweden No. 72 (10.9 percent), and Germany No. 72 (10.9 percent). 75 on the list (10.4 percent), followed by Denmark and Portugal (10.1 percent), 77th on the list, Ireland 87 (9.2 percent), Greece 90 (9.1 percent), Finland, Morocco and Peru 103 (8.3 percent) are on.


The US ranks 112th with an inflation rate of 7.7%, Norway, Singapore, South Africa and El Salvador rank 114th with only 7.5% inflation, Australia and Spain rank 119th (7.3% ), Luxembourg in 127th place (6.9 percent), Brazil in 133rd place (6.5 percent), France in 137th place (6.2 percent), Qatar and Thailand in 141st place (6 percent).


The US ranks 112th with an inflation rate of 7.7%, Norway, Singapore, South Africa and El Salvador rank 114th with only 7.5% inflation, Australia and Spain rank 119th (7.3% ), Luxembourg in 127th place (6.9 percent), Brazil in 133rd place (6.5 percent), France in 137th place (6.2 percent), Qatar and Thailand in 141st place (6 percent).